2022-092267: “Dear Madam or Sir: On May 18, 2022 xNY.io - Bank.org received a copy of a financial disclosure form for Mr. Richard Weber (General Counsel, NY-DFS) noting an advisory council role at the Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement. No address was provided: [1]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CCIh9CQiwxVILSv86B54kEcipVRnx1YQ/vi ew?usp=drivesdk We would like to receive any and all records NY-DFS and Human Rights hold for this appointment approval for a state associated represenative. Warm regards, Gunnar Gunnar Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 646-454-9107 Expected due date: 10.18.22. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: <[2]Carmen.Garrett@dfs.ny.gov> Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2022, 11:13 AM Subject: Your Freedom of Information Law Request FOIL-2022-092267-018305 To: <[3]G@xny.io> Good Morning: Attached, please find correspondence from the New York State Department of Financial Services pertaining to your FOIL request. Thank you. Tracking Number:FOIL-2022-092267-018305 References 1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CCIh9CQiwxVILSv86B54kEcipVRnx1YQ/view?usp=drivesdk 2. mailto:Carmen.Garrett@dfs.ny.gov 3. mailto:G@xny.io