"mmm!" says the cupofcoffee . "this wealthy industrialist is deliious!" a pet ferret, very large, sits next to the cup of coffee. large pet ferret: "oh yeah the megalomaniacs are the best. reslly got that tang that just wont give up nomatter how lowbthey sink, yknow?" coffee cup: "yeah!" [pauses] "but why would youever giveupif you sank low? imean lookat me, i amjust a cup of coffee, andhereiamdOminatingthis parjbench taking sips from an international crimelord multinational dictator, etcetc?" large pet ferret: "uhhhh" [mobile phone rIngs] "excusemei need togo wash my scuba diver." coffee cup [taking more sips from mcboss]: "have fun!"