I love New York. Scholar, digital currency. Sooooo ..... not going to get past theeeeee best. Resign. On Sun, Jul 31, 2022, 1:21 AM Gunnar Larson <[1]g@xny.io> wrote: Hey, what about NYCCoin? Is the mayor going to jail? On Sun, Jul 31, 2022, 1:19 AM Gunnar Larson <[2]g@xny.io> wrote: I could go on all day, on Mr. Weber type fraud. On Sat, Jul 30, 2022, 6:40 PM Gunnar Larson <[3]g@xny.io> wrote: Ms. Harris and Mr. Webber: I must ask for your resignation. Anything less is obstruction of justice. Thank you, Gunnar Larson References 1. mailto:g@xny.io 2. mailto:g@xny.io 3. mailto:g@xny.io