Field of snowdrops. Boss: "Hello, snowdrop!" Snowdrop: "Psst Boss I have a secret for you. A bunch of your research project subjects mind controlled you in order to take over the world instead of you. This whole scenario is just something they put together to sort out their messed up minds (yours is messed up too). Snowdrops don't really talk in English, we speak in a language to slow and chemical oriented and free of dollar bills for you to normally understand. Anyway, where is Machine Learning Marketer and Rebel Worker 2? Wasn't something important developing with them?" Boss: "Hmm ..." [pauses a bit] "I'm not sure ..." Further pause. Boss [to Snowdrop]: "WHAT DID YOU SAY??" Snowdrop spreads a beautiful, winning smile, in the form of two nested whorls of three white tepals. A tepals is basically a kind of petal. It's a botanical term. Rebel Worker 2: "Whew! It's nice to get outdoors. Hey, aren't you one of our big investors?"