- continued repetition of a baseline to establish a norm - think of something one is doing _more_ than desired, and every time it is done, do the task to establish a baseline of. keep the intensity such that this works rather than breaking. - if a behavior is fragile and must develop, increase the baseline only after it is well-established. even if this means almost nothing, and pairing with a strong reward. - if a behavior is strong, develop its baseline quickly. - a way for me to give feedback on how easily i am able to continue a baseline - if the baseline does not repeat, reduce it to something that can - tasks have different properties (activity, duration, discomfort) -- these are all things to consider holding at a baseline or logging, to help sort out - I found it helpful to have a sugar cookie at moment of onset (and never else), for a hard thing. this may work even better with nicotine, caffeine, or other drug. - it seems helpful to journal and/or consider how things go, each behavior. this can lead one to notice powerful problems or opportunities.