The task of judging a library to start with has similarities to the task of integrating or composing two libraries. Regarding integrating or composing, an interesting example is machine learning backends like tensorflow or pytorch. These all have to integrate multiple vector math backends, in an organised way, with developers likely on a time budget. It's an example of people successfully doing this in recent years. Regarding judging libraries, the similarity relates to their being lengthy lists of api functions, featuresets, or similar, and the need to summarise or hold in some way, what is important or possibly relevent about these, in order to consider them as a whole with other sets of stuff. The biggest issue for me with retaining such useful considerations is that I lose the parts. Amnesia, disorganization, incineration ... Retaining basic small information. Similar to "awesome" lists on gits. And using parts of this information to relate with other information, make decisions, and do work.