here's load_payload it calls at the start of the main function: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import time from common import Device from logger import log from functions import UserInputThread, check_modemmanager import usb.core import usb.util import struct import os def p32(x): return struct.pack(">I", x) def load_payload_file(path): with open(path, "rb") as fin: payload = log("Load payload from {} = 0x{:X} bytes".format(path, len(payload))) while len(payload) % 4 != 0: payload += b"\x00" return payload def attempt2(d): d.write(b"\xE0") result = d.write(p32(0xA00)) result = payload = load_payload_file("../brom-payload/stage1/stage1.bin") if len(payload) >= 0xA00: raise RuntimeError("payload too large") d.write(payload) def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass def load_payload(dev): log("Handshake") dev.handshake() log("Disable watchdog") dev.write32(0x10007000, 0x22000000) thread = UserInputThread() thread.start() while not thread.done: dev.write32(0x10007008, 0x1971) # low-level watchdog kick time.sleep(1) d = [1] addr = 0x10007050 result = dev.read32(addr) dev.write32(addr, [0xA1000]) # 00 10 0A 00 result = dev.read32(addr) readl = 0x24 result = dev.read32(addr - 0x20, readl//4) dev.write32(addr, 0) attempt2(d) udev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x0e8d, idProduct=0x3) udev._ctx.managed_claim_interface = noop log("Let's rock") try: udev.ctrl_transfer(0xA1, 0, 0, 10, 0) except usb.core.USBError as e: print(e) # clear 2 more bytes log("Waiting for stage 1 to come online...") data = if data != b"\xA1\xA2\xA3\xA4": raise RuntimeError("received {} instead of expected pattern".format(data)) dev.kick_watchdog() log("All good") log("Load 2nd stage payload") stage2=load_payload_file("../brom-payload/stage2/stage2.bin") log("Send 2nd stage payload") # magic d.write(p32(0xf00dd00d)) # cmd d.write(p32(0x4000)) # address to write d.write(p32(0x201000)) # length d.write(p32(len(stage2))) # data d.write(stage2) code = if code != b"\xd0\xd0\xd0\xd0": raise RuntimeError("device failure") dev.kick_watchdog() log("Party time") # magic d.write(p32(0xf00dd00d)) # cmd d.write(p32(0x4001)) # address to write d.write(p32(0x201000)) log("Waiting for stage 2 to come online...") data = if data != b"\xB1\xB2\xB3\xB4": raise RuntimeError("received {} instead of expected pattern".format(data)) log("All good") dev.kick_watchdog() if __name__ == "__main__": check_modemmanager() if len(sys.argv) > 1: dev = Device(sys.argv[1]) else: dev = Device() dev.find_device() load_payload(dev) References 1.