On Sun, Apr 3, 2022, 8:59 AM professor rat <[1]pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote: “I realized if you allow anyone to mint anything and sell it pseudonymously, plagiarism is built into that,” he said. “If your system is built on decentralization as a core building block, there’s just no fixing that problem. It’s just inherent in the fundamentals.” [2]https://decrypt.co/96637/nfts-have-a-problem-with-copyright-theft I did not read the link. But copyright is mostly defending large organisations this century, rather than its intended defense of the merit and value of creative individuals. Cryptoanarchy - in stark contrast - is a three-legged-stool Cypherpunks Subject: Everyone a remailer: Everyone a Mint: Everyone an assassin [3]https://marc.info/?l=cypherpunks&m=100872510706876&w=2 I usually see this the enforcement way: "oh no assassination" -- but now I see it is about p2p forthrightness. In the developing labyrinth progress will be slower,but sure,toward distributed,P-P,encrypted,alternate OS plug ins that will accomplish all we seek to achieve. But remember, please, the Law by which we live, We are not built to comprehend a lie. We can neither live nor pity, nor forgive, If you make a slip in handling us you die! --The Secret of the Machines-- Rudyard Kipling It's been a few decades, and a more direct and focused approach to the decentralised norm may be needed. I'm thinking of, for example, adding basic decentralised components to mainstream browsers or operating systems. Rather than add-on apps that only a few use -- see what parts the central projects might accept. Ideas. References 1. mailto:pro2rat@yahoo.com.au 2. https://decrypt.co/96637/nfts-have-a-problem-with-copyright-theft 3. https://marc.info/?l=cypherpunks&m=100872510706876&w=2