On Mon, Jan 3, 2022, 5:03 AM xm <[1]0xloem@gmail.com> wrote: On Mon, Jan 3, 2022, 5:02 AM xm <[2]0xloem@gmail.com> wrote: On Mon, Jan 3, 2022, 4:18 AM grarpamp <[3]grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote: Truncation to 216 bits is still 56 bits more than sha1, the likelihood that anyone's going to collide sha256 like that without a break anytime before 2122... is zero. I received a reply from you a month or two after I responded to your request. misread the date. guess it was two or three months. nono just one or two months. having logical mental errors pretty heavily these couple days. References 1. mailto:0xloem@gmail.com 2. mailto:0xloem@gmail.com 3. mailto:grarpamp@gmail.com