In the paper referenced in [1] e-hard-fork-to-bitcoin-to-keep-it-anonymous-and-regulation-free/ Cypherpunks recommended ways the Bitcoin blockchain might be made deterministic in length. Though not directly addressing the scaling issue it nevertheless would tackle other, for example, node resource issues. It would also prevent "submarining" issues with the huge number of early mined coins which have never moved and redistribution of lost coins. On Sat, Dec 25, 2021, 1:31 AM grarpamp <[2]> wrote: [3] the-limitations-of-ethereum-as-told-by-co-founder-sandeep-nailwal Polygon (MATIC), a layer-two network designed for scaling and application infrastructure development on Ethereum (ETH)... Any coin that depends on and runs on top of a network that is itself nonscalable... is therefore also not scalable. Ethereum does not scale because, like nearly all other coins, it requires an amount of physical storage space that grows without bound over time to store all the transactions. This blows out individual repos thus depending users on non-private sharding lookup schemes, over realtime non-private analyzable internets, into massive storage clouds holding lifetimes of privacy break risks, and that don't need to exist in the first place. Etc. ZKP DAG etc can help create coins whose physical growth is counted by endless transactions, but to limited addresses, a far smaller number, made further smaller due to privacy. Look into making using and adopting a new class of necessarily sans-tx-storage privacy coins. The future belongs to... privacy, sans-tx-storage, crosscoin DEX. Invent the future. References 1. 2. 3.