I found some log4j malware! Somebody sent it to an old disrupted hacker list. Log4J Malware/ Log4J Malware/Mirai/ Log4J Malware/Mirai/3f6120ca0ff7cf6389ce392d4018a5e40b131a083b071187bf54c900e 2edad26.sh Log4J Malware/Mirai/776c341504769aa67af7efc5acc66c338dab5684a8579134d3f23165c 7abcc00 Log4J Malware/Muhstik/ Log4J Malware/Muhstik/15e7942ebf88a51346d3a5975bb1c2d87996799e6255db9e92aed79 8d279b36b Log4J Malware/Kinsing/ Log4J Malware/Kinsing/7e9663f87255ae2ff78eb882efe8736431368f341849fec000543f0 27bdb4512.sh Log4J Malware/Kinsing/6e25ad03103a1a972b78c642bac09060fa79c460011dc5748cbb433 cc459938b.elf What is this stuff???? 0507 ET, 20% phone battery $ less Kinsing/7e9663f87255ae2ff78eb882efe8736431368f341849fec000543f027bdb451 2.sh OK, somebody's AI has never heard of for loops because this shell script is ridiculous. The code looks generated and is irritating to review. Looks like it terminates a lot of processes and wipes a lot of logs. oop: BIN_MD5="648effa354b3cbaad87b45f48d59c616" BIN_DOWNLOAD_URL="[1]" BIN_DOWNLOAD_URL2="[2]" BIN_NAME="kinsing" I tried downloading it quick but no reply, so if nobody else tee'd them off I probably just did. maybe later in the file it shows how to knock. maybe the associated .elf is the file. who knows! 0512 19% battery References 1. 2.