omigod it's 1328 new york time, 2021-11-22 I finally made libgrossgarbage use the core electrum client to download a file from the bsv chain. I mutated the internal interface in doing so. the main electrum code is designed to work only on bitcoin core, but now I have a gross mess in my gross mess project that makes it work on bsv. I got _really_ inhibited during. it was _really_ hard to stabilise. I want to add checkpointing and bring the electrumx code to at least feature parity, even if it's not checking merkle roots. the electrum code uses target integers for checkpointing, so I need to query or calculate them for every checkpoint block first commit code! 1332 1335 pushed ! [1] whoogle k i'll import it into ipython and see if I can find block targets to make checkpoints with 1340 oops, my code is giving bogus block header hashes. some hashing mistake. 1344 fixed, I wasn't byte-reversing the embedded hashes 1345 bitcoinx.bits_to_target((await blockchain.headers(0)).bits) 1352 ran into a networkish error well the celebration was nice. I infer it's more important to get electrumx running again than to checkpoint main electrum hacked for bsv. 1355 I verified the target calculation is correct for a checkpoint block in the main code 1409 hashes from the sources aren't matching ones on the network yay. i'm likely looking at something wrong 1416 I was treating al the chains as the main chain, loading more checkpoints now 1419 looks like a chain rules issue around block 478558, bits starts mismatching calculated hrm gives me checkpoints up to 295000. not enough. well, I saved the code to generate them anyway. guessing that approach is poor. on to electrumx re-enabling. 1423. unsure. bulletproof garbage disposal! in other news, have you seen the gemini network? it's all "facebook and youtube have proven that gopher was better than http, let's do this." References 1.