Hey there: Anyone else following NYCCoin Mining? See a tweet from Mayor-Elect Adams: [1]https://twitter.com/ericadamsfornyc/status/145780306366674534 6 NYCCoin.net or NewYorkCoin (Ticker: NYC) and CityCoins.co are saying they have no affiliation. CityCoins.co is registered out of Iceland, so we gave the admin a call... The domain admin desk said they did not want to release any information: [2]https://www.namecheap.com/domains/whois/result?domain= citycoins.co Meanwhile, just over $10M+ of value mined in the name of NYCCoin with $3M+ sitting in a wallet for the CIty of New York: [3]https://mining.nyc/wallet NYC coin's market cap reached $30M+ as part of the Tweet from the Mayor-Elect. Now back down to around $12M: [4]https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/newyorkcoin/ Anyone else following this story? Thank you, Gunnar -- Gunnar Larson - [5]xNY.io | [6]Bank.org [7]MSc - Digital Currency [8]MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-646-454-9107 New York, New York 10001 References 1. https://twitter.com/ericadamsfornyc/status/1457803063666745346 2. https://www.namecheap.com/domains/whois/result?domain=citycoins.co 3. https://mining.nyc/wallet 4. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/newyorkcoin/ 5. http://www.xNY.io/ 6. http://Bank.org/ 7. https://www.unic.ac.cy/blockchain/msc-digital-currency/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=MSc-Digital-Currency-North-America&utm_term=blockchain unic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyJOBBhDCARIsAJG2h5ctwwMz0MRbVSk-LaYD-GMU5UgDSw7ynxbGr_a7SkaFAZzJc1-pzxEaAi4NEALw_wcB 8. https://www.unic.ac.cy/business-administration-entrepreneurship-and-innovation-mba-1-5-years-or-3-semesters/