1306 so, my responsibility appears to be to mutate my pull request so it at least merges properly with the current state of the tree. ideally i'd like to improve the design in how I add the functionality I am _very_ confused around it, which I state to help process the inner sensation. 1307 I have it open on a computer which currently has its display asleep. i'm outside still, in the back of my box truck atm. I haven't brought a computer out to where I sleep in the woods right now. the temperatures get down below freezing sometimes but no snow yet. electronic devices have different patterns of behavior at very low temperatures and with changing humidity. some break permanently. some function impeccably. kinda funny. 1309 I am really scared of this work. it's been pending a couple days now. we've all seen me go through my silly struggles to do tiny software stuff. I still haven't gotten bitcoin running. 1309 my current issue is that, after reboot, shell commands are segfaulting inside my restored tmux session. outside the tmux session, they don't segfault, they work fine. this experience is somewhat conflummoxing for me. when it think of why it might happen, the brainwashed bit of my mind sees me considering hacking or a virus, or even a systems level bug, and freaks out to stop me from discovering any possible govcorp espionage which I did once very very long ago now. I don't know why my shell commands are segfaulting inside tmux. I'll look at it again. 1312 $ ls -l Segmentation fault (core dumped) $ echo hi hi oh I think I thought of it! I did something that can be very unwise: I built and installed a new glibc version. maybe I installed it somewhere that's pulling it in. but it thought I gave it a local path I wonder if gdb works $ gdb Segmentation fault (core dumped) 1314p ok hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $ ldd Segmentation fault (core dumped) let's say it is indeed dynamically loading a library that it shouldn't. if it's because the tmux environment is different from the surrounding environment, that would be visible in environment differences ah-ha! LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the cwd, and i'm in the glibc build folder. whoo man. 1315p yayy leaving the folder makes everything work. omigod. that problem seemed so incredibly insurmountable.