i've been here a long time. and i'm writing here:) In fact, there's been a lot of writing here lately about me and the country I live in . And I've been shown here as a target. That's the first time I've asked a question like that. i'm looking for powerful facial recognition software Açık Per, Kas 4, 2021 19:34, Karl <[1]gmkarl@gmail.com> yazdı: [spam] since I am really confused right now and likely yammering On Thu, Nov 4, 2021, 11:33 AM zeynepaydogan <[2]zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com> wrote: what tools do you use for advanced visual search? hi zeynepaydogan, where are you from? what do you do? what brought you here? do you trust your internet's honesty and transparency? here are spammy answers to your question: - what is advanced visual search i've never heard of that - use "less" and "grep -r" and search for regexps. this is seriously what I do. small learning curve for regexps. - use an ai and search with your voice for images - make friends with 3 software developers, teach them machine learning, and tell them what you want. reliable. you have to notice when they're bikeshedding (spending too much time on some part especially small parts) and nudge them back on track, for them to finish. References 1. mailto:gmkarl@gmail.com 2. mailto:zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com