hey PR, I'm thinking about your mini article. I don't fully understand but I kind of like parts of it. i'm hoping I can find ways to communicate better with you. do you know how I could do this better? I always think nowadays of disparate groups talking and working together on their common goals. so I like the idea you mention below of mixing together of different approaches. I sometimes think there might always be more options, somewhere, too. ck On Sun, Oct 10, 2021, 6:31 PM professor rat <[1]pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote: Two main ways to do this ( and they can miscegenate ) 1) Basically peaceful coexistence with the powers-that-be - ' loyal opposition ', collaboration. Drift along - pretend there never were any anarchist revolutionaries - or they never did enough. Remain ignorant, conformist, craven. Its too hard to make anyone understand anarchist revolution when their identities depend on them not understanding it. Then there's 2) Substitution. Bait with " Peace, bread and freedom ' - then switch to crypto-fascism. Let that small army of batshit-crazy, inverse-Marxist Nazbols over-run the narrative. Give every mincing, bow-tied, gold-bug a microphone. Allow every wanna-be Dolfuss / Pinochet to take over every El Salvador and Ethiopia out there. Elevate all Randite, Paultard Austro-Libertarian nutcase to world-historical thought-leader status. Death to crypto-anarchy - LONG LIVE CYBER-LIBERTY! The best lack all convictions for assaulting police while the worst Wikileaks type chickenshits are filled with a passionate intensity. Hey - lets see it doesn't come to that. References 1. mailto:pro2rat@yahoo.com.au