See below. On 2021-09-07 05:10, professor rat wrote: Jim Bell quacks like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck - so it follows with a geometric logic Jim Bell may be shot like a Nazi-Fag-Moron Duck In the masterpiece Terminator 2, the philosopher character played by A. A. Schwarzenegger explains that Skynet grows at a "geometric rate." Above, a scholarly rodent writes of a "geometric logic." Lately I've been studying Euclid's Elements, since the fundamental theorem of arithmetic plays a role in Gödel encoding and Turing's Computable Numbers paper. I also taught high school geometry for four months, here in this list's most beloved country, the United States. So I'm really curious about this "geometric logic" to which the scholarly rat, whose frequency of posting suggests the creature could achieve the highest ranks of Mechanical Turk slavery or academia, refers. Is the logic Euclidean? Could the rodent please specify the geometry more precisely? Rat, do you mean an exponential rate? A parabolic one? Or something else entirely? Who is the master mathematician here, the rat, or Hollywood hero A.A. Schwarzenegger? Signed, the willfully unencrypted Douglas. P.S. What's wrong with being a Fag or a Moron? After all, don't queers get more off?