It's 6:58pm and things are looking up. [spam][tag added during editing afterwards] I eventually ended up zoned out on my truck bed, watching iZombie for the first time. Awesome show I am totally the main character omg. Except for the young woman doctor thing. Not a young woman doctor, myself. And only about half of the tv tropes seem analogously real. I saw the show title for a while but was scared kinda to watch it. I think everything's about me cause I can barely think about stuff on my own and look for ways to, and other reasons. I was looking for something where zombiecyborgs were just hanging out. Brains are delicious. They damped down the mind control to visions, but it gave them an opportunity to include vivid personality shifting which is cool. Anyway that convinced my mind to relax enough that i'm feeling super confident about being able to sleep outside tonight!