Why are you always claiming people are government agents ? Banning someone would be a government like action What's your deal man ? Never meditated ? Met with the CIA recruiter in college ? On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 at 15:04, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <[1]punks@tfwno.gf> wrote: As the turd himself has noted, government agents (like itself) have no rights. I see no problem with banning the thing that spams from govcorp propaganda from [2]pro2rat@yahoo.com.au -- [sig?u=carimachet] cari machet [3]about.me/carimachet References Visible links 1. mailto:punks@tfwno.gf 2. mailto:pro2rat@yahoo.com.au 3. https://about.me/carimachet?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=gmail_api&utm_content=thumb Hidden links: 5. https://about.me/carimachet?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=gmail_api&utm_content=thumb