0936 How to write the sum files to make checking easy? So, data comes in. Sum file goes parallel to other data leaves. We could give it the same name if other sums had a name that always sorted after or separately. We could give it a different extension. Like .sum and .sums or such. My autocorrect turned sumsum into sums. Not often I accept what it does. Sometimes it has me capitalise words in the middle of sentences and such. 0940 using .check for single files So, then we can sum all the .check files into a further file I suppose. 0942 Ok um So Um ./check *.checks *.check # seems to work fine When making new .checks files, increment a counter by 1 or such Maybe we can use date Date works Ok when making new check files, in theory we only need the last created one, and the one just made. 0946 My scripts could be simplified if one read from stdin instead of a file. 0948 Oops! It seeks to 0 repeatedly. That wasn't the right idea. 0951 Ok the system is busy testing stuff. 1015 1019 Okay, I'm testing a little now. Hashing a lot of data takes ages on a raspberry pi. The current script is written to do all the hashes and move forward when they are done, but the user really would want some string to verify with before it is done. With the current file approach, that could mean a separate file for the first hash, or each hash. It might be more organised to hash based on lines rather than filenames. Meanwhile, my lotus client finished a task. 1020 ERROR: generating unsealed CID: Piece is larger than sector. So, filecoin needs data in 32GiB chunks at the largest. I can delete my 64GiB test files. 1021