-- A strange creature walked up to the village. Pieces of what almost looked like locks and keys hung from their body as makeshift clothes. The creature stumbled into a grocery store. "Tumbler dictopia pins AES borg contract?" said the creature to a salesperson. The creature had managed to push a water bottle from a shelf to the checkout line and was now gesturing towards it as they spoke. "Are you trying to buy that water bottle? Let me, uh, pick that up for you. That'll be $1.99 ." "Locked!" said the creature. It reached into the objects adorning it and pulled one of them out, placing it on the checkout counter. The salesperson looked down at the object as they reached for it. In a flash, it jumped at their hand and there was a whirring noise. The checkout clerk began screaming as their flesh was turned into lock after lock after lock by tiny saws before their eyes.