Let’s discuss your plan(s) and the execution(s) of your plan(s) Tell us wise one I am not being sarcastic I am actually wondering On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 11:31 AM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <[1]punks@tfwno.gf> wrote: > your appeal to other foxes guarding the same general henhouse may be unlikely to succeed, > Once the appeals process fails, you then file a lawsuit, asking the judicial branch (basic separation-of-powers bullshit) to step in and overrule the executive branch or legislative branch agency you’re contending with. Because this process can take years and be expensive if lawyers are required, it prevents a lot of important information from being released and entering the news cycle. So you, like anybody else with half a brain, know that the system is a scam. To make the self-parody even more hilarious, the useless stuff the govt 'releases' is in turn 90% censored!!! Maybe when you get your 'pdf' all covered in black, you can fill a ... what? LMAO! So now let's look at the people(i.e. you) who use this govt 'service'. What journos like you are doing is wasting time begging your masters/accomplices for bits of PROPAGANDA to publish. You're publishing US govt propaganda while playing the govt game of pretending that your idiotic bullshit entails 'freedom of information' What you are actually working for of course, is freedom FROM information. bottom line Dougles, you're a good, loyal, govcorp boy. (as clearly proven also by your previous, revolting radical feminazi vomits). -- [sig?u=carimachet] cari machet [2]about.me/carimachet References Visible links 1. mailto:punks@tfwno.gf 2. https://about.me/carimachet?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=gmail_api&utm_content=thumb Hidden links: 4. https://about.me/carimachet?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=gmail_api&utm_content=thumb