WSA: It does not look like you are plotting peace. Nobody would ever appreciate what you are saying. Soon those who overhear will spawn conflict with you. SS: What is it like, having crazy people and paid trolls enter your communities? I want to make things right here, and I do not know how. SS: WSA, I would like a monk to fight me. Monk: You seem to be troubled, friend. My deity can help you. SS: Monk, would you have some time to speak with me on my terms? Honestly, I need more than anything some time speaking kindly with others. Monk: What would you like to talk about, friend? SS: What is it like for you, seeing people fight in so many conflicts these days? What kinds of things do you say to them? Monk: It troubles me greatly, but I -- WSA: This soldier is electrically shocking you, Monk! Monk: Friend, I am not your enemy! I need protection from this person!