We might be closing these up now, uncertain. I've been kind of psychotic during my recent posts (which I no longer feel able to judge consent around making). I haven't been respecting punk and I feel regret around that a lot. I haven't read punk's recent reply yet. Here's another mcboss draft! I also have an idea for a more realistic series around using javascript or python and modern libraries to guide the reward processes of mobile phone users into your own private slave army. We'll see. That might need a more serious danger tag, unsure. Also for stuff like that remember that some of us could be here to destroy your lives. In as friendly and protective-of-you and rebellious manner as possible. -- Boss stumbles down an alley wearing a business suit, looking fervently for something. A jaded-looking person with very dirty clothing, curled up next to a compost bin, calls out to Boss. "Hey, you're Boss, aren't you? You like strongarmed a couple neurosurgeons and took over the whole world right under everybody's nose?" Boss stops briefly and glances towards the compost bin. "Why the fuck are you talking to me." "I will totally zap the wire going to your striatum _twice_ if you go get me a pack of cigarettes, right now." Boss heard this and immediately turned around, running to a gas station across the street. He bought three packs of cigarettes, ("keep the change") and came right back. "It's not a wire. How do you people _do_ this?" "Give me the cigarettes." Boss thrust the cigarettes at them. "Zap zap!" the homeless person used their inner habits from coping with and recovering from mind control, to activate the reward system remaining in Boss's skull. Boss breathed a tremendous sigh, and curled up next to a garbage bin. "Oh fucking, thank you. Thank you. Fucking, oh my god ... Please keep me. Please ask for cigarettes again. Please ask for cigarettes again .. it's been _hours_. It's been _hours_, you know?" A puff of smoke trailed from a lit cigarette next to the compost bin. "Yeah idiot, I know."