Karl, Please, calm your heart; do not destroy your mind with useless efforts, and your body with stress and insomnia. Focus, please. When your mind and body are exhausted, wasted, you will not have a good performance and will waste your own time. You should use this time for hydration, rest, and food. And, please, exercises. Just walk around and be happy for being alive. Considering your country's President and some of their supporters, it is a miracle! Thank Darwin, they do not know how to use tasers, hahaha!!! ;) How about the therapy, please? Keep it hardly, no absences allowed, and mention 'paranoid behavior' to your therapist, please. Maybe you can not see or feel it, but you can show her some of your messages to this list, coderman's gentle answers, and my bad mood email. Sorry, deadly headache. (+_+)** Well, calm down. Breath, try to rest a bit, to meditate, to think about your ex-girlfriend who still loves you, about your family, about friends... About your life, do you understand? :D Do not use the f*cking "slavers" as an excuse to avoid living. It is possible to f*ck the f*ckers and have a healthy and fun life. Take care and be well, please. Healing kisses and hugs! :)