‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, December 1, 2020 12:03 AM, Karl wrote: Thanks. It would have been in #nottor . Very sad for me, the lack of a log. The interaction had links to a lot of things I have lost memories of that seem very important, and feel very responsible for. I know when I used to spend time active on irc, I would always keep automatic channel logs, myself. It seemed like a common thing to do. i would not be surprised if someone has them... but i have no idea who to ask, and searching comes up empty. (ok, there is a log of the #oftc channel, [1]https://irclogs.thegrebs.com/oftc/2017/02/05 , and velope makes an appearance. but no #nottor. ah, memories :) best regards, References 1. https://irclogs.thegrebs.com/oftc/2017/02/05