On Fri, Nov 13, 2020, 4:20 PM grarpamp <[1]grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote: On 11/13/20, Steven Schear <[2]schear.steve@gmail.com> wrote: > [3]https://juraj.bednar.io/en/blog-en/2020/11/12/how-could-regulator s-successfully-introduce-bitcoin-censorship-and-other-dystopias/ Given how incredibly easy it is to censor bitcoin compared to other things, it should be a great place to store information that we want to make sure is easy to destroy. [4]https://kycnot.me/ [5]https://github.com/pluja/kycnot Miners continue moving more ops to Tor and other overlays, stacking sats in process, exchanging them for privacy coins, shuffling, joining, fusioning, etc the entire time. In fact, everyone, all users and participants must defeat the dystopians by, right now today!, launching personal commitments to shuffling, joining, fusioning all their coins on at least an in/out basis... when everything is dirty by nature and down with OPP, everything becomes clean uncensorable and immune, call it herd immunity... and that is something everyone must have when waging war against the dystopian globalists... do not give them that hold over you, else they will eventually abuse it against even the cleanest of virgins among you. Crypto economy adoption routes the masses around need for any exchanges and into true p2p use of crypto without fiat intermediaries. Blocks and tx, replaced by emergence of fully encrypted homomorphic crypto state databases, nothing to block but the entire network itself. No more legacy of blockchain bloat, no more blockchain history for spies. Limited access distribution and use channels for ASICs, the current generation of ASIC friendly coins, ASIC and datacenter centralization risks of legacy coin architectures, become thrown out by masses in favor of CPU friendly coins, a distributed humanity that more people can run in background. Abandon and refuse to join majority pools, and don't become corporate pool, the many will rise, move away, and kill the greedys own wealth therein. Privacy coins reach adoption over non-privacy coins as the proper way to nullify censorship prison planet surveillance dystopia altogether. Humans will move to these as they have natural aversion to such risks to selves. Autonomous solar powered mid-ocean flagless drone ships running exchanges over satcom and RF. Everyone in coinspace compacts and tells world govts to fuck off at the next crypto conferences in unison. These are the only correct and workable options against dystopians, globalists, censors, surveillors, oppressors, world GovCorp BigTech power, and everyone knows it. Now stand up and start doing it. Crypto wins. Government is nothing more than a fiction, a persistent bad dream that exists soley in your head, a shitty song played on repeat 24x7 through all media and propaganda, repressing you every night, WAKE THE FUCK UP tomorrow morning and cast it off such that you begin discovering and living freedom. [6]https://taz0.org/bitstream/0x0b-the-roots-of-parallel-polis/ [7]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idx3GSL2KWs Get down with OPP References 1. mailto:grarpamp@gmail.com 2. mailto:schear.steve@gmail.com 3. https://juraj.bednar.io/en/blog-en/2020/11/12/how-could-regulators-successfully-introduce-bitcoin-censorship-and-other-dystopias/ 4. https://kycnot.me/ 5. https://github.com/pluja/kycnot 6. https://taz0.org/bitstream/0x0b-the-roots-of-parallel-polis/ 7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idx3GSL2KWs