KILL the POTUS ( My 200$ ) For those interested in the non-black-box version of APster ( all three of us ) the US Secret Service started ' assessing' all threats to protected persons ( Snerk! ) rather than ' investigating' all of them. About a decade ago now. Correlation is not causation - but the net spilled out of America permanently in 2005. More ' Normies' online than " Merkins' for the very first time. What I call ' the death of the American Century '. Back in the bad old days a poor coot could get years in jail for joking about the Lord speaking through a ' Burning Bush " These day a young fella can actually promise to pay a Hitman 500$ to wack out some Political swine and have their case thrown out of court. No jury will convict. Code is free speech and revolutionary cypherpunks shout code. DEATH to AMERICA!