Shut it down, eh? On Wed, Oct 7, 2020, 6:49 AM Zenaan Harkness <[1]> wrote: By the way Juan, in case you can't be bothered to read the article, the last paragraph is this: "While anti-Semitism in Sweden was historically associated with right-wing extremism, a 2013 study cited by The New York Times revealed that 51 percent of anti-Semitic incidents in Sweden were connected with Muslim extremists. One in four were perpetrated by left-wing extremists and merely 5 percent were carried out by right-wing extremists, also referred to as neo-Nazis." I suspect that the old "right wing extremist trope" is a trope for a reason - the "right wingers" got "centrist"ed, as The Left became more and more extreme, to the point where even "right wing convservative Republicans" are today essentially socialists - the only debate left is how much gibs to hand out and how much fascism ought be deployed to maintain the socialist empire. When good old fashioned conservatism is branded "fascist right wing extremism" by screeching harpies fed by the JDL, APAC, SPLC, etc etc, the remaining -actual- right wing extremists remains insignificant. And no doubt, those stats above will be "cultivated" stats in the sense that anyone posting a vile, horrid, putrid, disgusting anti-semitic meme is likely classes a "right wing extremist". In other words, the perpetration of "comedy" in order to relieve a little boredom, results in classification as "right wing extremist". And the consequence? We've basically lost the linguistic ability to distinguish between actual right wing extremists and bored meme-sters. Mummy, mummy, what's a "fascist"? It's a "right wing extremist" dear. But mummy mummy, what's a right wing extremist? Someone who likes White people. But mummy mummy, I'm white - am I bad? No darling, you might be naughty sometimes, but you're my son and you have a good heart! Oh ok. Thanks mum, can we go to the park, I wanna ride my bike... On Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 09:32:52PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote: > This could possibly be juxtaposition of memes and facts, which (((those in power))) don't like, but the Shut It Down meme is an effective meme for a reason - it's literally real. > > There simply must be some Jewish "power" meme within their own theocratic/ dogmatic/ Jewric system which results in the dictat "when in doubt, shut it down", and Sweden today is a classic example: > > > Swedish Jewry Urges Internet Giants to Purge Messages About 'Jewish Power' > [2] rges-internet-giants-to-purge-messages-about-jewish-power/ > > A recent report by the Swedish Defence Research Agency has indicated > an incidence of "anti-Semitic stereotypes and tropes" on social > media. Thirty-five percent of the posts about Jews turned out to be > negative, and a lot of them deal specifically with Jews in power. > > Following a report by the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) > indicating a proliferation of online theories about Jews wielding > influence and power in world politics, the Jewish Central Council has > demanded that internet giants ensure such posts are not spread by > timely deleting them. > > According to the new report from the Swedish Defence Research Agency, > "anti-Semitic stereotypes and tropes" are common on social media. > Thirty-five percent of the posts about Jews turned out to be > negative, and a lot of them deal with Jews in positions of power. > > Aron Verständig from the Jewish Central Council said he is "worried" > and "saddened" by the report. According to Verständig, the belief in > Jewish power is a "mental delusion". He mused that its consequence > may be a spike in anti-Semitism and what begins as an internet > discussion can easily inspire others to commit acts of violence. > "Society must take this incredibly seriously", he stressed. > > ... > > > > > [Yes, society must take this "incredibly seriously" because "muh 6 > million holocaust"] > > Just like the double amputee black sheila in a wheelchair calling to end > whiteness was hailed with screeching of "SHE'S A DOUBLE AMPUTEE, LISTEN > TO HER AND DO NOT QUESTION WHAT SHE SAYS", this is a similar Judaic meme > imposed on all goy around the world "YOU CANNOT QUESTION THE HOLOCAUST, > 6 BAZILLION SOULS LOST THEIR LIVES AND THEY'RE THE MOST IMPORTANT SOULS > FOR EVER AND EVER AND WE ARE THE BIGGEST VICTIMS OF ALL HISTORY SO HOW > DARE YOU EVER -THINK- ABOUT QUESTIONING ANYTHING WE DO!" > References 1. 2.