Zenaan's community are victims of automated human trafficking and need help. On Tue, Sep 29, 2020, 8:09 AM Zenaan Harkness <[1]zen@freedbms.net> wrote: On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 02:47:15PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote: > On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 05:39:27 -0400 > grarpamp <[2]grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote: > > > Jihadis Violently Hatchet Two re Hebdo's Peaceful Free Speech Critique > > european scum like you getting their just desserts, grarpamp. I guess "Spanish scum" like yerself ought move to South Africa - real life anarchy going on there ... > it's mildly entertaining to watch a scum, right-wing, US government agent like you grarpamp sinking lower by the day. (yes, US scum is just a subset of european scum) > don't forget to add your daily dose of fascist flu farce spam! That one is very important and it gets you the biggest bonuses. Now Juan, as is said in the FLOSS industry, it's a do-ocracy, and not a theocracy nor a Juan-ocracy. BUT, if your Juan-ocracy is compelling enough, be it anarchistic of some libertine flavour or theocratic like burning witches (conservatives) at the stake, inquisition-style, then you might find some followers. Yes we are far down the fascist state rabbit hole at this point in history, a massive swamp to put all prior swamps to shame. Feel free to DO better. Don't get me wrong though - complaints do have their place, pointing out lies, hypocrisies and apparent statist droid-isms - but complains and bitching only goes so far, that is to say, your bitchin program lacks a little pragmatism. You see, at a certain point you're not even expanding the overton window, nor shifting any listener/ target of your complaints, nor changing the world in any identifiable way. As an example of someone who is reinventing themselves, take Andrew Anglin - he has thoroughly shifted away from shock-memetic warfare (of various sorts, typically racist, "anti-semitic", "sexist", etc), into a deconstructionist (and reconstructionist) "source material" provider, or you could say "origin thoughts" - at least, that's his intention and by the estimation of some, he's putting in a damn good showing on his new chosen front. And frankly the meme wars of 2015/2016 appear to have contributed meaningfully and practically to three specific and identifiable and positive outcomes. But it's had its day, and folks are moving on. We begin from here now, the world we are in and not the one we want. We are faced with a problem - how to approach the world we want, from the world we have. The tools are our ability and creativity manisted in our actions, and seen via those whom we may influence. Good luck Juan, many here do appear to share one or another of your apparent goals, including myself. References 1. mailto:zen@freedbms.net 2. mailto:grarpamp@gmail.com