Excellent!!!! Jim Bell On Thursday, August 13, 2020, 02:11:28 PM PDT, Se7en wrote: Due to a major oversight, the New York Time's digital collection of private, privleged, and confidential documentation is avalible for download. Archive it fast. <[1]https://kiwifarms.net/threads/nyt-secure-server-leak.74777/> Via clearnet HTTP, and via FTP. -- |-----/ | Se7en / The One and Only! | [2]se7en@cock.email / | 0x0F83F93882CF6116 / | [3]https://se7en-site.neocities.org References 1. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/nyt-secure-server-leak.74777/ 2. mailto:se7en@cock.email 3. https://se7en-site.neocities.org/