[1]https://mises.org/wire/government-wants-your-crypto-data-and-lots-it The Government Wants Your Crypto Data. And Lots of It. [2]10 COMMENTS TAGS [3]Big Government[4]Bitcoin[5]The Police State 07/29/2020[6]Allan Stevo The Venezuelan government recently announced that its Administrative Service for Identification, Migration and Foreigners (SAIME) is [7]now accepting bitcoin as a payment method for passports. The problem with that is that bitcoin is not anonymous but pseudonymous. To interact with any government using bitcoin is to reveal to them the wallet you are paying from. The blockchain is public. When commentators like [8]Caitlin Johnstone and [9]Stefan Molyneux or organizations such as the [10]Mises Institute or [11]TOR Foundation ask for bitcoin contributions, one can follow the money with a [12]blockchain explorer to see how much comes in and how it is spent. One can also see who gave it to them if a donor hasn't exercised some caution in protecting their privacy. [end of partial quote] References 1. https://mises.org/wire/government-wants-your-crypto-data-and-lots-it 2. https://mises.org/wire/government-wants-your-crypto-data-and-lots-it#disqus_thread 3. https://mises.org/topics/big-government 4. https://mises.org/topics/bitcoin 5. https://mises.org/topics/police-state 6. https://mises.org/profile/allan-stevo 7. https://cointelegraph.com/news/Venezuelans-abroad-will-be-able-to-pay-for-their-passport-using-bitcoin 8. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2 9. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1Fd8RuZqJNG4v56rPD1v6rgYptwnHeJRWs 10. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1HF7EcMX5u3cMBeo4NBeN7vym36cg7gS6v 11. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1JADsmDFX9d2TXis63S9F9L8eDAXwJmnWE 12. https://coinsutra.com/best-bitcoin-block-explorers/