I'm copy-pasting on mobile, so sorry about quoting differently. Making somethin g like the PBB project has been a major dream of mine for some time. I'm combin ing how-to-do-it with whether-to-do-it below, might be good to separate those to pics. Jim Bell said: built, perhaps containing 4 or 6 component cameras, airming in the horizontal pl ane, able to record everything in a horizontal plane, mounted on your head just like a 'propellor beanie', famous from the early 1960's. A cable will go down to a smart phone in your pocket. [1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxhzahiQshQ Maybe something like this already exists? It certainly ought to. The main question I have is whether a smartphone has the capability to digitize (or at least record?) the output from as many as six HD cameras at a single time My personal experience is that you run into all 4 limits of USB bandwidth, video compression cycles, disk bandwidth, and network bandwidth, streaming that much at once on a single commonly available device. You can of course compensate by dropping most of the frames, maybe ones from cameras showing little activity, bu t in my opinion that many cameras would be better done with more customized hard ware than an off the shelf phone. I'd prefer to focus on phones because anyone can buy/borrow/beg one, but make design choices that allow adding support for cu stomized setups too. Punk-Stasi said: Keep preaching surveillance technofascism Jim, you're doing a great job. I reply more below, but it seems the second half of this sentence is the truth. A commonly-available tool is not fascim, and this is already a technocratic lis t. Jim is discussing empowering common people to _fight_ surveillance technofas cism via community "souveillance" which is where masses are empowered to observe and share evidence of authorities. grarpamp said: Use the phone's USB port to attach the RTL-SDR GnuRadio etc transmitter dongle, or use the phone's Wi-Fi to speak IP This sounds like a wonderful and important thing to support on both the recordin g and sending side. marcos said: All technology is a liability if there are no leaders. They amplify the good and the bad equally. Unless there are leaders. Until then they consume resources. This sounds incredibly intelligent. We have leaders right now, we don't want th em, and the balance of technological privilege recently swung toward them. Punk-Stasi said: journos have been using 'technology' for a while...to serve and proptect the pri vate-government mafia. The sort of propaganda you're trying to peddle here is infinitely ridiculous. Yo u pick ONE event that suits your 'narrative' while IGNORING A MILLION Punk, it sounds like you know of a lot of suffering at the hands of technology t hat may not have been included in this discussion. In america, we still believe we have a huge majority of hackers who distrust the government: although it is true we are all misled by our media and culture. Could you be more precise abou t what we need to know, or are you maybe looking for understanding that technolo gy tends to cause undiscussed genocide? The million events you describe may hav e never reached our news. References 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxhzahiQshQÂ