I was involved in OccupyMaine, one of the many branches of Occupy Wall Street in Maine. We were resisting control of the people by the media and billionaires, by showing people we could talk and survive more safely and better without them, in city parks, worldwide. According to our local information, we were one of the last encampments to shut down. I've heard people from other encampments say that too, funny. After the camp was disrupted by some of its own participants, I started a small place for homeless folk in my apartment and tried to spread the caring ethics I'd been inspired by in the movement. I knew how to live without shelter from courses in wilderness survival, and how to make money from blockchains, so it wasn't hard at all to provide for those who didn't. One of the funny things that happened was multiple women started approaching me sometimes and seemed to make decisions that would heavily occupy my time. I was pretty scared of my own arousal because I had raped someone once, so with me avoiding sex some of the interactions were kind of strange. It seemed obvious they were trying to be romantic with me but didn't actually want to be, but nobody seemed able to verbally confirm this. What's stranger stillis, through Facebook, a new language was pressured on me, with a concept of "dogs" and "cats" implying control of humans. It is indescribably hard to remember, but it seemed like "cats" were woman forced into sexual service via whatever means convenient, and "dogs" could have as many as they wanted but were expected to never talk about that ability and possibly spread harm or messages or decisions occasionally. Some kind of introduction to a rapist group is one possible explanation. Women I seemed interested in would actually approach me, _from_any_walk_of_life_. One was willing to start nonsexually which seduced me and it quickly became sexual somehow. She expressed no memory of how we got together. (she's not the woman i mentioned to ceci) I'll need to spend some time recovering my mind after posting this, now. I appreciate clear questions.