My name is Karl Semich. I did the first reverse engineering for the "team python" open source world of warcraft pirate server. It was the first server to handle most features and network packet types of the game. It was taken down by disruption signed blizzard; I stayed anonymous. Later I got into Occupy Wall Street. I have lost my mind and _cannot_reliably_feed_myself_ because my body does not behave how I tell it to. I am pretty experienced at waiting through hunger and gorging. I want to make this right. On Sat, May 2, 2020, 9:59 AM Karl <[1]> wrote: I've never been scared of death, so I'm not scared to talk about there being people who are threatened with death to keep me silent. But I am scared of facebook learning to train my brain to move my body in response to javascript against my will, and leaving no record of it. We have learned to no longer be scared of this, and resist it, but we are still suffering. What is next, over here? References 1.