On Wed, Oct 16, 2019, 16:36 rooty <[1]arpspoof@protonmail.com> wrote: Hi hi sea sea - try and stay positive honey. Sometimes all negativity here is hard but you can do it. Hi Hi, baby bot... Hope you are feeling happy, serene, and hopeful. I know it will sound strange for you, but I feel really comfortable here. But I am becoming an "old lazy cat" - "old lazy pussy" sounds very eeeck!!! - so I prefer to meow and purr only when I wish, purrrr...  There is an old Brazilian song for kids that always makes me smile, sweetie... Its name is "The History Of A Kitten" and my favorite verses since my earlier childhood are:  "WE, CATS, WERE BORN IN POVERTY HOWEVER, WE WERE BORN FREE!!! MISTER, MISSES, LANDLORD... FELINE, YOU WON'T RECOGNIZE!!!" Meow! Take care and be happy! <3 sea sea References 1. mailto:arpspoof@protonmail.com