why you call him " child murder snowflake. ", can you brief ? Sincerely, Yush Bhardwaj On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 1:29 PM Punk <[1]punks@tfwno.gf> wrote: On Sat, 21 Sep 2019 16:48:58 +1000 [2]jamesd@echeque.com wrote: > On 2019-09-21 14:00, Punk wrote: > > > > > >   listen to snowflake, aka snowden, hysterically denouncing the abuse of 'foreign' bankers while ignoring that his employees, wall street, were the number one criminals. > > I notice that you always find some reason to attack anyone who has > defended freedom.     you notice wrong, as always. What you mean is that I know the game of americunts like yourself, or eddie, pretty well. you don't defend freedom, ASSHOLES. You destroy it.     I'll be posting more garbage from 'ex' 'information technologist' for child murder snowflake.     But here's a sample     "The United States has a census, too, of course. The Constitution established the American census and enshrined it as the official federal count of each stateâs population in order to determine its proportional delegation to the House of Representatives. That was something of a revisionist principle, in that authoritarian governments, including the British monarchy that ruled the colonies, had traditionally used the census as a method of assessing taxes and ascertaining the number of young men eligible for military conscription. It was the Constitutionâs genius to repurpose what had been a mechanism of oppression into one of democracy."     again, HILARIOUS, the snowden cunt babbling about the 'genius' of the americunt cunstitution and pretending to be morally superior to the english cunts - priceless. > References 1. mailto:punks@tfwno.gf 2. mailto:jamesd@echeque.com