HI Ryan - try not to worry about it so much. There just bunch parionoid freaks all talk about is govt this govt that. Who really cares. Have a beer take a deep breath and enjoy the simple things in life like a sunset. Regards rooty -------- Original Message -------- On Jun 18, 2019, 9:32 AM, Ryan Carboni < 33389@protonmail.com> wrote: Social media services support account spoofing, this simplifies the creation of government sockpuppets. Government sockpuppets can also assume the history of other accounts (this is a simple series of mysql commands, any codebase can accomplish this by copying entries and assigning them to a new ID), This is a substantial concern to privacy rights. I am being harassed when I attempt to form new friends over the internet. The US government has effectively controlled my entire life, and I condemn it entirely. I see no use for the DOJ Inspector General if this conduct is so widespread that in my particular case it is considered to be permissible. I think all social media websites that failed to engage in proper oversight of this "investigation" should have computer issues. Sent with [1]ProtonMail Secure Email. References 1. https://protonmail.com/