In #meetoo fashion the flippening is going to happen this week when drudge news shows a bitcoin core developer get accused of grabbing an interns breast, and everyone dumps BTC. On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 4:45 PM, juan <[1]> wrote: On Thu, 7 Dec 2017 16:12:41 -0800 Steven Schear <[2]> wrote: > Bitcoin Cash is up to 8 times more energy efficient and Bitcoin > Unlimited blockchains could be >> efficient yet. So Steve you were talking about some sort of "flipping" or something a while back? How's that going? right now bitcoin is at $18000* while bcash is $1300 *stupid bubble of course. -- Creator of the Warrant Canary and the Street Performer Protocol. Wi-Fi standard spec. creation participant and co-developer of eCache. Director at MojoNation and Cylink. Founding member of IFCA and GNU Radio. Currently, VP of BusinessTechnology at References 1. 2.