Back in the day CALEA was voluntary up to the point of a court order to customer. At that point we had to do some re-routing and install one of their devices at provider cost. This was early 90's - IP Fabrics still carries it i think - [1] -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Speculation as to why printer manufacturers have forensic tracking dots Local Time: November 18, 2017 2:58 PM UTC Time: November 18, 2017 10:58 PM From: To: [2] racking-dots (Added 2017) REMINDER: IT APPEARS LIKELY THAT ALL RECENT COMMERCIAL COLOR LASER PRINTERS PRINT SOME KIND OF FORENSIC TRACKING CODES, NOT NECESSARILY USING YELLOW DOTS. THIS IS TRUE WHETHER OR NOT THOSE CODES ARE VISIBLE TO THE EYE AND WHETHER OR NOT THE PRINTER MODELS ARE LISTED HERE. THIS ALSO INCLUDES THE PRINTERS THAT ARE LISTED HERE AS NOT PRODUCING YELLOW DOTS. I have a theory as to why. CALEA allows the government to compel "a manufacturer of telecommunications transmission or switching equipment" to modify the equipment. Under that or a similar law, printing manufacturers are compelled to put tracking information onto paper. References 1. 2.