On 02/27/2017 02:06 AM, John Newman wrote: On February 26, 2017 9:03:25 PM EST, Razer [1] wrote: Nils Bildt, the "Swedish Terrorism Expert" FauxNews used in their reporting on Violent Muslim Immigrants in Sweden, whom no one in Sweden has ever heard of, is really an "immigrant convicted of violent assault in the US...[2]" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/sweden-fox-news-immigrant-convi ct-assault-donald-trump-fake-advisor-usa-a7599506.html Also in the "Bad propaganda, Bad!" department: BBC News reports that the White Helmets Oscars entry is 'a British film' like so much other Syria propaganda. Meanwhile the videographer isn't being allowed to enter to US or leave Syria, according to whose reports you believe, but the videographer himself stated he was being prevented >from ENTERING the US. Reason un-stated, but note that the "White Helmets are al-Qaeda's SAR team funded by USAID (a backchannel for the CIA) who film Gore/War Porn as they go, to discredit the Assad government of Syria. Verified. US denying entry on paperwork grounds. Tsk tsk ... his USAID/CIA/GCHQ connections couldn't help him out. [3]http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/39089364/america-denies-entry-to-syrian -behind-oscar-nominated-film Interesting article on the "White Helmets" (lots of stuff out there): [4]https://consortiumnews.com/2016/10/23/the-white-helmets-controversy/ At least it didn't win the Oscar! Or did it? Who gives a fuck. It did, and the acceptance speech was used to promote Jihadi propaganda about Syria, which only makes sense because almost all actors and Hollyweird in general are Democrats and Syria IS a Democrat-created war (with the help of NeoCons like McCain and Lindsey who never met a terrorist they didn't love). Counterpunch on their funding: [5]http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/11/04/just-how-gray-are-the-white-h elmets-of-syria/ Southfront on their operations: [6]https://southfront.org/double-life-of-white-helmets-volunteers-by-da y-terrorists-by-night-photos/ Here's a couple of the many pics on the webz showing these USAID funded terrorists' double lives. Southfront has a bunch more. Rr References 1. mailto:g2s@riseup.net 2. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/sweden-fox-news-immigrant-convict-assault-donald-trump-fake-advisor-usa-a7599506.htmlAlsointhe 3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/39089364/america-denies-entry-to-syrian-behind-oscar-nominated-film 4. https://consortiumnews.com/2016/10/23/the-white-helmets-controversy/ 5. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/11/04/just-how-gray-are-the-white-helmets-of-syria/ 6. https://southfront.org/double-life-of-white-helmets-volunteers-by-day-terrorists-by-night-photos/