OK SO, LET ME SEE IF I CAN PASS RAEZOR’S IQ TEST! Jim Bell Who wrote and did time for “Assassination Market” essay, among other things some good, some not so good in my humble…might be described as a Libertarian. RAZERr makes it clear, in settling a bit of a challenge that antifa is a little slippery about what and who a fascist might be that he holds a theory in which : Libertarians are fascists. Then graciously goes on, once more, though he’s been through this with us thousands of times and his patience is beginning to be tested, Fascism cannot be conservative moreover, Fascism and it's idea of TRADITIONALISM would eliminate the internet ERGO EITHER JIM BELL HATES CRYPTOGRAPHY AND THE INTERNET IN PARTICULAR AND IS TRYING TO DESTROY IT OR IS A CRYPTO_COMMUNIST ANTIFA AGENT. I don’t agree with Jim on all points, hardly any maybe, but i’fe heard his stuff, listened to him talk. he’s rational, it seems. but raze, please just admit to yourself and your so smart they punch buddies that a "fascist” can really only be defined as “who ever it is that razzers is currently beating up.”