Moreover this is what I just said, and you took issue with - when this person says it it's getting something right? Maybe you're just being a dick because you like the attention. A prog-Lib, Murtaza Hussain from The Intercept, FINALLY gets something right "Free speech means you have legal right to expression; not entitlement to huge public platform or to be a racist in public w/o being punched." [1] "Liberals crying out to defend this guys ability to target most vulnerable people in society should consider deporting themselves to Mars." [2] "ICYMI this guy was going to Berkeley to target undocumented students, not engage in some kind of Socratic dialogue (link to sheitbart article)" [3] Rr On Feb 2, 2017, at 4:30 PM, Razer [4] wrote: Image gleaned from twitter References 1. 2. 3. 4.