Yep, my dear, I said he was alive weeks ago. Zzz was not informed about it, but you know, this "Hashist" guy is _not_ a real activist, is a pretty slow person and doesn't know to fake patterns well too, hahaha!! ;) On Dec 24, 2016 4:04 PM, "Rayzer" <[1]> wrote: > Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has offered guarded praise of > Donald Trump, arguing the president-elect “is not a DC insider” and > could mean an opportunity for positive as well as negative change in the > US. > > Assange described his feelings about the US election results in an > interview as “mixed” before going on to sharply criticize Democratic > nominee Hillary Clinton and providing a more ambivalent assessment of > Trump’s ascent to the White House. > > “Hillary Clinton’s election would have been a consolidation of power in > the existing ruling class of the United States,” Assange told the > Italian newspaper la Repubblica. > > “Donald Trump is not a DC insider, he is part of the wealthy ruling > elite of the United States, and he is gathering around him a spectrum of > other rich people and several idiosyncratic personalities.” > > He added: “They do not by themselves form an existing structure, so it > is a weak structure which is displacing and destabilising the > pre-existing central power network within DC. It is a new patronage > structure which will evolve rapidly, but at the moment its looseness > means there are opportunities for change in the United States: change > for the worse and change for the better. [2] assange-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-interview References 1. 2.