Dear Ray Ray, It's ok. I laughed a lot because received Windows 10 and diapers spams at same time and, well, there is an interesting relation between the two things. I ask pardon to Windows 10 users and fans, but in some privacy aspects, it stinks like used diapers and my dead Halloween version... (+_+) ~ ~ I know you are not the real "guilty". You would be more "creative" and the FBI guys would be here now, annoying me, asking if my teddy bear's name is "PedoBear" and why I always have candies in my house, hahaha!!! ;D Take care, grumpy guy. In your free time, see the cypherpunks list archives, please. This list was awesome, very interesting **before** Zenaan, Alexander, Juan, you and me, the noisy, grumpy, bitter, talkative and not polite group. I felt really guilty all the times when I read the archives. Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please? The Science saved me -- as always, of course! -- but I am pretending to be "dead" to disturb this list a little less... (+_+) ~ ~ Do you really think I care about spam messages, darling? I was annoying you and telling to some persons that I am alive, but with no time to answer to private messages. :P