Mafia has more ethics than the cia On Oct 2, 2016 1:02 AM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <[1]> wrote: On Oct 1, 2016 2:37 AM, "Zen H." <[2]> wrote: > > ----- Forwarded message from Jim ----- > > What the CIA Does When The Other Side Won't Fight Uh, uh... Zen ([3], when you pretend that another person forwarded you a "shocking revelation", at least you should change the nick for another one more compatible with your new persona (Jimmy or Jim, for example) and choose another server ([4] too? Wow, amazing coincidence, Jimmy boy!). :P A gift for your weekend, dear! You can imagine Putin and Trump playing with honey before sleeping. Sooo sexy! Awww, you will have the sweetest wet dreams... <3 [5] softcore-porn-video-featuring-1787316169 cia cia... ops, sea sea, haha!! ;) (Nooo, I don't support the CIA and Trump's sexual life isn't interesting for me, ugh! :P) References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.