or how about Open-Transactions reborn as Stash [1]http://stashcrypto.com/front ? Warrant Canary creator On Oct 23, 2015 1:13 PM, "jim bell" <[2]jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote: If we are looking for interesting subjects to discuss, why not Ethereum [3]https://www.ethereum.org/ and Auger? [4]http://www.augur.net/ Jim Bell From the Auger website: The Augur Alpha Preview After months of development, we are proud to release our alpha version of Augur. This version showcases the basic features of our prediction market implementation. It's by no means feature complete and certainly prone to bugs. Tell us what you think and report any issues you have using the "Feedback" link in the app. References 1. https://t.co/XQMCPo4r1v 2. mailto:jdb10987@yahoo.com 3. https://www.ethereum.org/ 4. http://www.augur.net/