I am sorry forgot to say Thank You guys Yush Bhardwaj On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Yush Bhardwaj <[1]yushbhardwaj91@gmail.com> wrote: After a little search and reading your replies , VeraCrypt for windows and Tomb for debian looks good to me. Yush Bhardwaj On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Cathal (Phone) <[2]cathalgarvey@cathalgarvey.me> wrote: I've used zuluCrypt a few times, which I recall building with TC-play, works great for vanilla containers at least and has a GUI at least as good as TrueCrypt itself. On 25 July 2015 01:14:52 GMT+01:00, odinn <[3]odinn.cyberguerrilla@riseup.net> wrote: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I thought that this was already answered long ago... but it keeps getting brought up from time to time. For what I consider to be the definitive answer on why you should not use TrueCrypt and what alternatives to it are, see: [4]http://grugq.tumblr.com/post/60464139008/alternative-truecrypt-implement ations Note that from TAILS 1.0.1 they incorporated LUKS, and I recommend cryptsetup, the "Swiss Army Knife of Disk Encryption." In any event, you'll definitely want to check out this: [5]https://github.com/bwalex/tc-play Should be helpful. - -O On 07/24/2015 07:46 AM, Yush Bhardwaj wrote: BitLocker is better or I should try something else ? WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure [6]http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/05/true-goodbye-using-truecrypt-i s-not - -secure/ [7]http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/ /* */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /*Yush Bhardwaj*/ - -- [8]http://abis.io ~ "a protocol concept to enable decentralization and expansion of a giving economy, and a new social good" [9]https://keybase.io/odinn -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJVstT8AAoJEGxwq/inSG8C1OcH/1NWAA7Kmzqz5CcYs40j3Oe8 v19Wpvn6QzlqFwNxdFvxSV4c8QWUDdCtD+XBoAVby65lsDwm9x+Nd3ka0fEEep0a ssJHeeHHrNE7V7ijL8gWdZOGH9fa6mNjIEXFuRCywCaMahidBJZnq3UjTJwZ5y/T avUXmwuM1mOx/Fv9YUMch0QTVs4qMtVacECH6TCvOcXRoCzznvP+L4JESy7Pybd3 la9TD2c/lAdfJriAsu0iBqInq7hv3ssz/RMif6hoR146edSdT3KxM18siGAEejIN A0PJGF2nTC+YH15PUEjndvFxq6sG11kBzBp3b7F8jX1/YJZhmA+0J/iNHLhOV8Q= =MQer -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. References 1. mailto:yushbhardwaj91@gmail.com 2. mailto:cathalgarvey@cathalgarvey.me 3. mailto:odinn.cyberguerrilla@riseup.net 4. http://grugq.tumblr.com/post/60464139008/alternative-truecrypt-implement 5. https://github.com/bwalex/tc-play 6. http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/05/true-goodbye-using-truecrypt-is-not 7. http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/ 8. http://abis.io/ 9. https://keybase.io/odinn