Why my thunderbird doesn't show any HTML in emails. On Sunday, October 27, 2013, Stephan Neuhaus wrote: On 2013-10-27 14:45, staticsafe wrote: > On 10/27/2013 02:51, James A. Donald wrote: > >> So what is the Geo info feature doing in Thunderbird? > > Same engine, I guess they didn't bother removing it. It does absolutely > nothing in Thunderbird because nothing will ever ask for your location > in Thunderbird. If it's the same engine, then the display of remote content in an HTML email could do just that. Fun, Stephan -- Kelly John Rose Toronto, ON Phone: +1 647 638-4104 Twitter: @kjrose Skype: [1]kjrose.pr Gtalk:[2]iam@kjro.se MSN:[3]msn@kjro.se Document contents are confidential between original recipients and sender. References 1. http://kjrose.pr/ 2. mailto:iam@kjro.se 3. mailto:msn@kjro.se