[spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 08:35:04 PDT 2023


Invent a novel and creative analog to "goto" in python and use it to
write some code with spaghetti control flow.

While Python does not natively support a `goto` statement due to its
emphasis on clean and readable code, inventing a creative analog can
be a fun theoretical exercise. Note that using such constructs in
real-world programming is not recommended because it leads to unclear
and hard-to-maintain code (often referred to as "spaghetti code").

Here’s a playful and highly unconventional approach using exceptions
to mimic `goto`-like behavior:

class GotoLabel(Exception):

def goto(label):
        raise GotoLabel(label)
    except GotoLabel as target:
        if target.args[0] == label:
            return True
            raise target
    return False

def example_program():
    point = "start"
    while True:
        if point == "start":
            print("At the starting point.")
            point = "mid"

            if goto(point):
                print("In the middle of the loop.")
                point = "end"
            if goto(point):
                print("Reached the end. Exiting...")
        except GotoLabel:


In the `example_program` function, control flow jumps around between
the labeled points ("start", "mid", "end") using the `goto` function
and exception handling. The `goto` function raises an exception with a
label, caught in the try/except block, which then decides whether to
allow the program to enter a block of code or to re-raise the
exception to be caught in a further block.

Again, it’s crucial to note that this is not a recommended or Pythonic
way of controlling flow in Python, and this approach should generally
be avoided in favor of clearer, more maintainable structures like
functions, loops, and conditionals. This example is purely playful and

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